The School Library Funding Scheme created by Post Primary Languages Ireland (PPLI) and Languages Connect enabled the Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) Department to acquire fantastic new resources in Spanish and French this school year.
The PPLI School Library Funding Scheme gives primary and post-primary schools an opportunity to acquire books and other relevant home language resources for students who speak languages other than English or Irish at home.
The funding scheme has been of great benefit to language students in Chanel College and especially for students of Spanish or French heritage.
The resources have supported students' literacy, language acquisition and engagement during lessons. They are also a great asset for the Spanish and French Language Clubs organised as an extracurricular activity in the school. Thanks to the funding, we were able to buy a variety of different resources, from online resources and games to language subscriptions, graded reading books and board games in Spanish and French.
Merci beaucoup /muchas gracias/thanks so much to Languages Connect for this funding and thanks to Rockalingua, Editorial Difusion and Memrise amongst others for the great resources created for language learners.