Mr Gill was delighted to announce recently that Chanel College had been granted additional government funding to offer school lunches to all students.
Each morning every students now receives a packed lunch in form class. Orders are placed the week before with our external provider, Carambola. Students can choose from a wide variety of fresh, tasty menu options including sandwiches, wraps and baps and add in fruit and snacks to complete a healthy and wholesome lunch.
None of this could be done without the trojan work of Transition Year students who have volunteered to facilitate the process as part of their Gaisce Community Care Challenge. Every morning they organise the crates of packed lunches and make sure they are ready and delivered to each form class. In particular, to make sure there is no food wastage, they take and sort any unwanted items and donate them to Kare and other local charities that provide home help and meals on wheels to elderly and vulnerable people in the community. Under the direction of Mr Ardiff, the canteen is a hive of activity every morning. Bon appetit and well done to all involved.